Friday, September 4, 2009

Why American?

I speak American when I talk about movies. I'm guilty of being jingoistic about film.

Sure, the Lumieres was the first to put the camera and projector in the same box, but their films featured trains and people going into factories. Bleh! Thomas Edison knew how to woo an audience - show 'em a little titillation with a kiss.

Every industrialized society has produced films. Yes, German expressionism influenced film noir, and Leone's spaghetti westerns were a precursor to increased violence and quick cuts (can you say Bonnie and Clyde?). But for my money (granted, we're talking pennies here), American movies ruled 20th century cinema.

So, sorry Bergman, too bad Fellini, and maybe next time Kurosawa. For now, this blog's theme song is Hurray for Hollywood.

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